Shamkris Global Group

EarthCheck Certification

What is EarthCheck Certification?

The EarthCheck Sustainable Destinations program assures travellers that certified destinations are backed by a strong, well-managed commitment to sustainable practices and provide high-quality sustainable tourism experiences within the region.

The certification is for precincts or destinations with a clearly defined boundary. It requires one organisation, like the local council or local tourism organisation, to be responsible for the management of the certification, however it assesses the entire tourism destination management practices community wide.

The program addresses key global environmental, cultural, social and economic (ECSE) concerns and deals with environmental regeneration and environmental improvement as well as the conservation of existing natural heritage assets. Economic concerns addressed in the program include employment conditions, support of local economy, use of fair-trade goods and services, and recognition of the seasonality of tourism revenue – all contributing to the alleviation of poverty in the destination.

Benefits of EarthCheck Certification

Greenhouse emissions of gases

Energy efficiency, conservation and management

Social and cultural affairs

Air quality and noise control

Wastewater management

Solid waste management

Who can be certified EarthCheck Certification?

EarthCheck Certifications are available for more than 30 tourism sectors, including hotels, airports, convention centers, airlines, theme parks, golf fields and destinations.



Convention Centers


Theme Parks

Golf Fields


Document required for EarthCheck Certification

The extent of Documented Information differs as per:

Role of Shamkris and Process of EarthCheck Certification

Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to effective system implementation in the organization. A simple and practical method of system implementation helps organizations increase business efficiency and sustainability. Shamkris supports 100% documentation to obtain a certificate of success in addition to enhanced performance.

The implementation process is described below:

Time Frame



Day 1

GAP Analysis
Certification Body
Cost Estimates

Week 1

Developing Documents

Week 4

Implementing Management System

Week 8

Internal Audit

Week 10

Certtification Body
N-C Closing

Week 12

Certification Body

Year on Year

Yearly Compliance


This award-winning global program demonstrates leadership in climate action and has been gaining momentum as a tool to support a sustainable future in a post-COVID environment.
EarthCheck helps tourism businesses and destinations become more sustainable through certification, consulting, training and software solutions.
The EarthCheck brand signifies scientific excellence, better environmental, economic, and social performance, improved community interactions, and savings through more efficient use of resources. It provides recognition and promotional support to a global consumer market.