Ecotel Certification
What is Ecotel Certification?
ECOTEL® is an environmental certification that enables hotels to be truly green, socially responsible, and sustainable over the long term by involving the entire value chain of owners, architects, operators, employees, suppliers and hotel guests.
What is the ECOTEL® Methodology?
The ECOTEL® methodology evaluates a hotel’s systems, processes and practices for environment friendliness through a stringent assessment of its range, scope and results across five crucial parameters, known as ‘The Five Globes’. These are: Environment Commitment, Solid Waste Management, Energy Management, Water Management, and Employee Education and Community Involvement. To be certified as an ECOTEL, a hotel must score the minimum qualifying percentage on each of the globes.
Benefits of Ecotel Certification
Lower operating costs
Publicly recognized branding for hotels
Efficiency & Productivity
Enhanced visibility for members
Value for money
Increases productivity
Who can be certified Ecotel Certification?
With our help, hotels and tourism businesses are eligible to achieve an ecolabel or sustainability certification in less than a month!
Tourism Businesses
Document required for Ecotel Certification
- System Manual
- System Procedure
- Policy
- Objectives
- Mission & Vision
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Checklist
- Forms
- Formats
- Records
The extent of Documented Information differs as per:
- Organization’s size
- Activities performed by the organization
- Processes undertaken by the Organization
- Products and services offered by the organization
- The complexity of processes undertaken
- Competence of persons involved
Role of Shamkris and Process of Ecotel Certification
Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to effective system implementation in the organization. A simple and practical method of system implementation helps organizations increase business efficiency and sustainability. Shamkris supports 100% documentation to obtain a certificate of success in addition to enhanced performance.
The implementation process is described below:
Time Frame
Day 1
GAP Analysis
Certification Body
Cost Estimates
- Finding the GAP between existing system related to Ecotel requirements
- Selecting the appropriate certification Body
- Based on the scope of your business & certification Body you choose
Week 1
Developing Documents
- Management System Manual, Management System Procedures, Policy, Objectives, Forms etc.
- Review of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Week 4
Implementing Management System
- Ecotel Awareness training for the top management and staff
- Implementing a well-documented management system throughout the organization
Week 8
Internal Audit
- Internal audits identifying nonconformities related to Ecotel requirements
- Management Review Meetings
- Corrective and Preventive Action plan for nonconformities
Week 10
Certtification Body
N-C Closing
- Shamkris acts on your behalf and assists you in the third-party audit
- Closing of any nonconformities identified by the certification Body
Week 12
Certification Body
- Ecotel certificates issued for One years
- Surveillance Audits yearly
Year on Year
Yearly Compliance
- Support of Yearly documentation for audit