Shamkris Global Group


What is ISO 30000:2009 - SRMS?

ISO 30000 specifies requirements for a management system to enable a ship recycling facility to develop and implement procedures, policies, and objectives in order to undertake safe and environmentally sound ship recycling operations. The Management system requirements take into account the relevant legal requirements, safety standards, and environmental elements that the ship recycling facility needs to identify and comply with to ensure safe and environmentally sound ship recycling.

ISO 30000 applies to the entire process, accepting a ship for recycling by the facility, assessing the hazards onboard the ship, identifying and complying with any applicable notification and import requirements for ships to be recycled, ensuring the availability of social amenities (e.g. first aid, health checks, food, and beverages); storage and processing of materials and wastes from the ship; waste stream and recycling stream management, including contractual agreements; and documentation controls for the process, including any applicable notification of the final disposal of the vessel for the process of product ISO 30000 is applicable to any ship recycling facility that wishes to:

  • Establish, implement, maintain and improve a safe and environmentally sound management system for the recycling of ships,
  • Assure itself of conformity with its stated safe and environmentally sound management policy,
  • Demonstrate conformity with ISO 30000 by making a self-determination and self-declaration,
  • Seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the facility such as customers,
  • Seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization,
  • Seeking certification/registration of its management system by an external organization,

Benefits of ISO 30000:2009 Certification

Recycling in an Environmentally Sound manner

Recycling in an Environmentally Sound manner

Gain competitive advantages

Gain competitive advantages over companies that do not undertake environmentally sound ship recycling processes.

Ensure Compliance

Ensure Compliance with Statutory and Regulatory requirements for ship recycling.

Ensure Greater employee retention

Ensure Greater employee retention and productivity through better working conditions.

Reduce risk

Reduce risk of work accidents,

Gain a lead against the competition,

Gain a lead against the competition,

Who can be certified ISO 30000?

ISO 30000 Standard is applicable to all types of organizations irrespective of size or nature such as Ship Recycling, Ship Management, Waste Management, Recycling in India.

Shamkris Group

Ship Recycling

Shamkris Group

Ship Management

Shamkris Group

Ship Breakers

Shamkris Group

Ship Owners

Shamkris Group

Ship Repairs

Shamkris Group

Ship Maintenance

Shamkris Group

Dry Dock Ship Maintenance

Shamkris Group

Scraping Paint

Shamkris Group

Ship Breaking Yard

Document required for ISO 30000 - SRMS

The extent of Documented Information differs as per:

Role of Shamkris and Process of ISO 30000:2009 - SRMS Certification

Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to effective system implementation in the organization. A simple and practical method of system implementation helps organizations increase business efficiency and sustainability. Shamkris supports 100% documentation to obtain a certificate of success in addition to enhanced performance.

The implementation process is described below:

Time Frame



Day 1

GAP Analysis
Certification Body
Cost Estimates

Week 1

Developing Documents

Week 4

Implementing Management System

Week 8

Internal Audit

Week 10

Certification Body
N-C Closing

Week 12

Certificate Issued

Year on Year

Yearly Compliance